
Ephrata Township has local ordinances that establish regulations regarding the use of a property, condition of the property and the responsibilities of owners and occupants.  Copies of all Township Ordinances can be obtained at the Ephrata Township Municipal Building, 265 Akron Road, Ephrata, PA.  The following is a list of some of the most frequently cited ordinances.
Most of the ordinances require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them which is a free download available from http://www.adobe.com/.
Ephrata Township Park Rules and Regulations

Transient Retail Business Ordinance

Storm Water Management Ordinance

Sidewalk - Snow and Ice Removal and Maintenance

Noise Ordinance

Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance

Street and Roadway Specifications

Animal Ordinance

Burning Ordinance

Parking Ordinance

Road Occupancy Ordinance

Street and Roadway Specifications